Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, November 29, 2014

702. How Science and Religions Can Lead Humans To Greater Kingdoms of Heaven

After Jesus returned home from Greece, some Greeks and some Jews became students and followers of Jesus, who had became a teacher of many possible students. In the teaching of Jesus, I say that Jesus cannot be God or become God as some religions say.

Most religions, do not understand the work of students, the work of teachers, and the human mind. Many people do not understand these three works because they read scriptures, interpret them, and believe it. This is how many religions seek and take power over people.

In Christianity, students became followers of Jesus and made The New Testament in the first century. In The New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John became gospel senders, interpreted the teachings of Jesus, and produced The New Testament. Since these four gospel senders were only students of Jesus, they had to learn the teachings of Jesus and made errors in The New Testament. The Old Testament and the Qur'an also have errors. Thus, since God is perfect, I sat that human teachers and students cannot be taught by God. But, God can know us and we can understand God.

In Part IIc of my first book, The First Scientific Proof of God, I say that humans cannot talk to God with communication equipment. But I say that information exists in our minds and exist instantly in our souls and in God. Matthew taught this teaching of Jesus at Matt. 18:3. Thus, little children can convert themselves continuously to a greater kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:19).

Thus, it was wrong for Christianity to produce a Trinitarian God, the Nicene Creed, burn people at a stake, etc.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

701 More Statements About the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church, which is also known as the Roman Catholic Church, has 1.2 billion members worldwide. This church says that Jesus Christ is the founder. However, one can challenge this founding because the teachings of Jesus are similar to the thoughts of Anaxagoras 500 years earlier.

Since Jesus' teachings did not begin until he was 30 years old, one can conclude that Jesus spent some time in Greece after he was 12 years old. So, he could have lived in Greece for 18 years. When Jesus was in Greece, he started to learn a new theory about God. When Jesus learned the new God, he lured Greek friends (John, Paul, etc.) to teach the new God of Anaxagoras to the Jews.

I say that only human teachers and students exist. Plato says that a student becomes a teacher by asking questions. I say that Jesus became a teacher in Greece. When Jesus taught something at Matt. 5:19, Matthew said that many different kingdoms of heaven exist. And, when Jesus taught at John 14:20, John said that relations exist between an infinite God and all finite beings. And, when Jesus taught at John 14:12, John says that we will do what Jesus has done. John also says that we will do greater works because Jesus will go onto the Father. At the death of Jesus, onto means that Jesus went into his location. This location is a place where an immortal soul exists and is disconnected from his other body parts. These other body part also return to their original locations.

The Catholic Church says that a Holy Spirit eliminates errors from the Catholic Church. In the Nicene Creed, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, which is a Trinitarian God. But, I say that the Holy Spirit and the Trinitarian God does not exist. And I say that Jesus is not God. So, the teachings of the Catholic Church must be challenged, changed, or destroyed. Since only one God exists, the Gospel Music is incorrect

At this time, the USA is not moving forward because its God and universe are unknown.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Monday, November 24, 2014

700. The Catholic Church Is Standing Still

My mind today is focused on the Catholic Church because it is developing poor nations in South, Central, and North America with its poor teachings, its poor science, its prisons, and its killings.

Let me focus on the Catholic Church, its failing logic, and the end of the Middle Ages. On killings by the Catholic Church, Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was burned at the stake in 1600 because he wrote on the Infinite Universe and Worlds in 1584. Bruno defended the heliocentric theory of Copernicus. But he also said that the universe was infinite, that it contained an infinite number of worlds, and that these worlds are inhabited by intelligent beings. (click)

Bruno also rejected the following Christian teachings --- the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, the virginity of Mary, and transubstantiation. (Transubstantiation mean with wine, the bread of Christ is transformed into the body, with blood, of a living person.)

Galileo (1564-1642) lived in the period of Bruno.(click) While Galileo knew Bruno and his new beliefs, Galileo was imprisoned because he agreed with the universe of Copernicus. In 1992, 350 years after Galileo's death, the Catholic Church apologized Galileo. Thus, killings, prisons, poor teachings, and poor sciences are not godly religions.

I believe that the Catholic Church never learned the great work of Galileo on his Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences in 1667.  One of the sciences in this book says that all things in the universe have parts, which are infinite in number. Thus, Galileo says that all bodies in the universe have a continuous quantity build up of an infinite number of indivisibles (see p. 34). So, the meaning of transubstantiation in the Catholic Church is wrong because Jesus is not God. The bread and wine will not connect Jesus with humans. God made this connection when He made souls.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Sunday, November 23, 2014

699. The Catholic Church Seeks Power RatherThan Truths

The first encyclopedia of the Catholic Church was issued in 1914. Recently, the encyclopedia was updated and was named the New Advent. The New Advent now includes a definition of infinite. (click) Infinite is defined by the Catholic Church as follows:

The infinite, as the word indicates, is that which has no end, no limit, no boundary, and therefore cannot be measured by a finite standard, however often applied; it is that which cannot be attained by successive addition, not exhausted by successive subtraction of finite quantities

The Catholic Church says that the concept of infinite is defined as an attribute of God. But I notice that the Catholic Church does not define infinite as an attribute of Jesus. This definition is correct because I say that Jesus is not God.

In order to define Jesus as God, the Catholic Church is lifting the teachings of the New Testament above the teachings of the Old Testament and other religions. However, my research says that the New Testament or any other scripture is not a perfect document. Only the fields of sciences and moralities can define the attributes of God with our minds. It is time for all religions to become one religion in all nations.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Friday, November 21, 2014

698.ChangingThe Minds Of Atheists

In the USA, physical scientists and atheists are not the only humans who accept materialism and reject the infinity of God. For example, medical doctors (click), naturalists (click), evolutionists
(click), secular humanists (click), biologists (click) , and philosophers  click), (click) accept materialism and rejects the concept 'infinite.'

Interestingly, the Catholic Church has discussed the 'infinite' recently. After Pope Benedict XVI became the new pope, he said that 'infinite' had to be investigated. I believe that infinite was investigated by the Catholic Church. (click) However, in its investigation, I did not find any discussion of the infinity of Jesus. In this discussion, only the infinity of God is a reality. Since Ben Franklin, me, and many other humans doubt the divinity of Jesus, the Catholic Church might change its Christianity by eliminating the Nicene Creed.(click)

While the number of U.S. atheists is not large, I say that atheists might want to reconsider God and the realities of coexistent concepts in the universe, such as the 'infinite and finite.' Coexistent concepts might reveal, for example, new origins of cancer.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

697. More on Destroying Materialism and Atheism

What is wrong with the materialism of Russia, the U.S. physicists, and the U.S. atheists? As a scientist of engineering from Johns Hopkins University, I studied Kirchoffs current law. This law is the sum of all electrical currents are flowing toward a junction, which is zero. Thus, all electrical circuits have some positive and negative currents. Electricity thus flows just like water flows. So, I wondered why materialism accepts the flows of finite things in our world but does not accept the flows of infinite things from God..

The thoughts of materialists deal with phenomena, statics vs. dynamics, time vs. space, cause vs. effects, positive vs. negative matter, logic vs. reason, etc.. However, a materialist will not accept co-existent concepts, such as God's infinity and our finite things. Since materialists cannot find God's infinity, they cannot find God's oneness, as I did. With their inabilities, materialists are saying that the universe has a beginning and an end.

Materialists are also developing energies. These energies are like the stars that God made for us. (click) Further, on Aug.6 and Aug. 9 of 1945, a bomb was dropped onto Japan to stop the war. This energy is called fission and produces free neutrons and photons, and releases a large amount of energy. But this large energy is radioactive and decays slowly. So, I wonder whether these decays are causing cancer?

In 1951, a cleaner energy was made by materialism. It is called fusion and produces a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at a very high speed. This action releases energy and forms many different nucleuses. How safe are these man-made nucleuses if God can make all nucleuses for us? Since I found that God and the universe are eternal, I say that God is making the best universe for us. Thus, must we make high energy things like God makes stars?

If materialists are making unsafe things for the universe, I say that it is time to destroy materialism and investigate God's work

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

696. Destroying Materialism and Atheism

After I learned that the Soviet Union accepted the materialism of Karl Marx, I learned that many American physical scientists became materialists, rejected the existence of God, and said that the universe will come to an end.  Based on this development of materialism  in the USA, the numbers of U.S. atheists, criminals, and drug users are increasing fast.

To solve the growing crime problem, I joined the National Institute of Justice, of the U.S. Department of Justice in 1971.  In time, I learned that the major political parties control the theoretical causes of crime.  For instance, Republicans say that all criminals are born and Democrats say that crime comes from bad human behaviors. So, instead of solving the real causes of crime, the Institute was controlled by Congress.

As time pasted at the Institute, I eventually retired.  But before I retired, I came to the conclusion that all crime is coming from the poor use of languages and theirs symbol in all nations. I conclude that these poor symbols develop ugly minds.  Some of these'ugly minds come from colleges and universities that teach materialism and atheism. Other ugly minds come from Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters, and friends.

In order to destroy these ugly minds, all nations must eliminate atheism and materialism so that God's acts becomes known. These changes can be made only if God's acts are included every day in the life of humans in all nation.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

695. The Rejection of World Communism

In 1947, when the Cold War was developing, I graduated from high school, joined the Army, and went to Germany. Soon, U.S. people and many workers in the field of Hollywood would be charged with communism, primarily by Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957). To destroy communism, the USA went into wars against Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

Soon after WWII, Russia decided to develop communism, It would becomes a socio-economic nation that is based on the materialism of Karl Marx. This materialism was based on the rejection of the thing-in-itself by Karl Marx. (click)  Marx says that the essence of things cannot be known. So, he said that all things are only for us. This statement means hat God does not exist. After WWII, many U.S. and world physical scientists and atheists became materialists. They conclude that the universe will come to an end.

However, in 2006, I prove that God actually exists. I say this statement in my first book, The First Scientific Proof of God. To prove God, I accept Plato's writings in his Sophist at 257b. There, Plato says, When we speak of ‘that which is not,’ it seems that we do not mean something contrary to what exists but only something that is different. In this short statement, Plato limits the logic used by of Aristotle. When I viewed things as differences, I found God because a greater different thing cannot be compared with any finite things. which we see in the evening sky. Thus, an incomparable different thing must be coming from a highest thing, which is a not-not-finite thing. (Note. The meaning of the word infinite is not-finite.)  Since all infinite things are in God, God is one and infinite and cannot be exhausted. So, the universe has no end. My first book was challenged mostly by atheists and non-scientists until my proof of God was accepted by Stephen P. Smith., Ph.D.

I develop other co-existent things in my second book, A New And Modern Holy Bible. Examples of co-existents are finite and infinite, one and many, equality and inequality, union and relations, indivisible and divisible, permanence and change, and independence and dependence. Thus, God creates many different co-existent things. In my second book, I say that finite things cannot become infinite things. Only God is infinite. Thus, I say that Jesus Christ is not God. But Jesus developed many great scientific and moral theories. So, I say that many 'Big Thinkers' exist.

In my third book, God and His Coexistent Relations to The Universe, I reject deism, theism, and atheism and expand the development of panentheism. (click) Thus, I reject communism because the theory of Marx on a thing-in-itself was incorrect.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Monday, November 17, 2014

694.Movies Reveal Unequal Humans In Nations

In 1958, an intelligent movie maker taught John Locke's book on The Second Treatise of Government to many students. In this movie, one character is a person who is perfectly free.  And a second character is an opposing person who becomes part of a nation and its lawful government.

The scene was in the young West.  In the early West, good and bad humans existed. The name of this movie is Gunman's Walk.  The scene had many honest and ugly families.  So the scene had three major characters, a Father and two son's. (click) Tab Hunter plays the role of the grown son, who became perfectly free.  His brother plays the role of a person who is not free and accept all laws. In the movie, the Father must eventually struggle with the nasty behavior of the free son and his son's gun. At the end, the Father had to shoot his free Son.

Governments of nations must make all people equal. In the USA, for example, money debt is forcing humans to reduce their security of a military system, a health care system, an educational system, a work system, etc.. If nations do not become equal. new wars, terrorism, and crime will develop.  So unequal humans must identified in a developing nation.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

693. Why The Money System or Capitalism Must Be Changed

John Locke's book on The Second Treatise of Government must be limited to Chapter I and II at this time. (click), (click), (click) His book must be limited because ancient religious scriptures are being challenged and knowledge of God acts, the universe, and heaven& are still unknown.

Chapter II of Locke's book identifies two states of nature as follows: state of perfect freedom and state of equality. But, in Chapter I, Locke says that Adam has no authority over children and has no dominion over the world. So, Locke is challenging the Old Testament.

In Chapter II, Locke says that a nation's people must live together in the state of equality. The founders of the USA accepted the state of equality. In order to define USA equalities, the founders defined two paragraphs of equalities in the Declaration of Independence (DOI). And on Dec. 15, 1791 the Bill of Rights was also defined.

Since the DOI and other nations say that all Men are created equal, all Americans have been secured by a U.S. military system. I say that this security would be unnecessary if all nations became high performance or a nearly perfect state of equalities. Unfortunately, the British System of Economy, which is used mostly by rich humans, must be limit in every nation so that new equalities can be developed. So, I say that the development high performance economies of the American System of Economy must be installed in every nation.(click) Thus, the world money system or capitalism must be changed in order to produce new equalities for all humans. If these changes are not made not, many different wars can be expected to grow.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

692. In Any Nation, All Humans Must Become Equal

If one reads The Second Treatise of Government by John Locke, the reader should not read further than Chapters I, Ii, III, and IV because in Chapter V, Locke's mind begins to be guided by the Old Testament of the King James Version of The Holy Bible. Other scriptures, such as the New Testament and the Qur'an, are not used by Locke.

When Locke begins to write Chapter IV on Of Property, he goes to the Old Testament writes about human rights and natural things. Locke says that nature affords for substance or revelation. Thus, Adam is the origin of all men and makes the first women, Eve, with man's rib. Chapter V through XIX will be problematic because the universe has a beginning and end. The New Testament extends human life by Jesus Christ. So, the state of equality, which is being defined by Locke only with the Old Testament, develops a problem for Christianity..

I can define the state of human equality correctly. I say that God and the universe have existed always. Plato had proven this existence long ago in his Parmenides Dialogue. But, I also prove God's existence by seeing things in the evening sky: conclude that all things in the sky are finite; identify the origin of all finite things in the sky; and say that God is a not-not-finite thing.

Since God and the universe will always exist, the state of the equality of Locke is very simple as then the U.S. Declaration of Independence (DOI) says. The DOI says that state of the equality of humans means that all Men are created equal. In any nation, whether on this planet or on a different planet, all humans must be equal. Thus, It is time to abolish all nations so that the all Americans become equal.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Friday, November 14, 2014

691.The U.S. Congress Is Not Securing Americans

As my studies move forward on the subjects of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the work of John Locke's Society and Government, and the work of the U.S. colonists on The Second Treatise of Government, I conclude that the U.S. Government must be abolished in order to institute Locke's states of human lives.  (click), (click), (click)

In Locke's work on the states of humans, Locke identifies two states: (1) the state of freedom and (2) the state of equality. Thus, some humans are free and live without laws. And other humans are equal and live in nations with laws.

In order to secure the people of the USA, a system was developed and became a military law by the U.S. Congress. I conclude that this military system does secure the bodies that God gives to every American. However, God also gives every American an immortal soul (or mind) before He gives them a body. Thus, in order to secure also the minds of the people of the USA, a different secure system of the minds of all Americans must be developed by the U.S. Congress. Securing the minds of all Americans means that all colleges and universities must become free, just as the military system was developed and becomes government. I say that that the health care system must also secure the health of all Americans and becomes government.

The minds of the people of the USA must become secured by the colleges and universities of the USA. This mental security must become government so that people are free from all costs. Apparently the development of a rich and poor class of people in the USA was an ignorant development. Was Locke's work on the two states of humans put into the circle file?

Since the U.S. Congress is not developing the state of equality in the USA, the U.S. Congress must be abolished. Apparently, the development of the state of equality was eliminated after President Lincoln was assassinated. So, I am ask asking, Who is controlling the USA today?

Since Locke deals with the Old Testament and Adam, his thoughts on other subjects such as war, slavery, property, etc., might be very different than my research.  .

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

690. Will The Universe End? Or Will The Universe Exist Forever?

On 9/13/1959, the Soviet Union landed on the moon with the Luna 2 spacecraft. Then, on 7/20/1969,  two U.S. astronauts landed on the moon in the Apollo spacecraft. In 1970s, many U.S. space program workers were laid off and killed themselves.  The U.S. inflation rose to 12%. People were telling government that they can't eat spacecrafts. Then, President Nixon became a criminal and the U.S. debt rose. Is the end of the USA coming? 

Forty-five years passed.  But, on 11/12/2014, a European spacecraft traveled five billion miles in order to land on a comet that moves 41,000 mph. This new spacecraft from Europe will answer questions about the universe. Will Europe tell us that the universe ends or continues?

Atheists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, physical scientists, evolutionists. medical doctors, dictators, nations, criminals, drug-users, investors, wealthy humans, etc. say that the universe will come to an end. My first three books below and my blogs say that the universe has no end.

To merely seek money without determining the above answers indicate mental problems.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 pages.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

689. Buying and Selling Only Necessary Things

After the ancient Little God made 'counting tokens' about 9000 years, qualities appeared and the concept of quantity and the concept of quality were united by science. Today, for instance, we speak of a battery by saying that a battery is 6 volts or a battery is 12 volts.

When the concepts of quantity and quality came together in the minds of humans, many new ideas appeared. One new idea was the 'buy and sell' concept. (click) Today, the buy and sell concept is known as the British System of Economics. This system was developed by Adam Smith (click) , (click)  But, one can ask the question, 'Is Adam Smith's economy natural and will it work forever?.

Modern scientists say that the our planet will die because it will fall into our dying sun. These modern scientists also say that the universe will eventually die. Jesus taught our dying sun long ago in Chapter 24 of Matthew. On the dying universe, I disagree with the modern sciences. I prove God's existence and God's eternity. Thus, I conclude that the universe has no end.

Accordingly, I say that Adam Smith's economy is not natural and can be improved so that humans can leave this planet before it falls into our sun. I believe that President Reagan thought of developed a new economy by buying and selling only necessary things. Henry Clay and Henry C. Carey also spoke of necessary things when they spoke about the American System of Economics.(click) An example of an unnecessary thing is drugs. Another unnecessary thing is an inheritance, which is free and  has no cost.  By eliminating all unnecessary things, all humans become equal.

It is time to stop wars, terrorism, and crimes; time to turn our lost children into necessary workers; and time to buy and sell only necessary things.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

688.On Veteran's Day, Where Are the Believers of God?

On 11/11/2014 is Veteran's Day in the USA. On this day, many Americans come forward to thank veterans for their work to secure them. This security became a temporary USA law when the U.S. Declaration of Independence (DOI) was 'agreed to' on July 4, 1776 and a war was coming.

The DOI says that the USA is one People, that all Men are created equal, that one People entitle Laws of Nature and Nature's God, that one People have self-evident and unalienable rights, and that one People can abolish Government and institute a new Government. Thus, the USA has two different laws. The laws in the DOI are scientific laws. And the laws in the Constitution are moral laws. In the DOI, sciences define Society as time passes. And in the Constitution, moralities define Government as time passes. These two different laws were originated from many colonists, who read thoroughly The Second Treatise of Government by John Locke. Since God is perfect, one can  know God only with science. If one is not a scientist, one can know God's acts by learning the moral universe that God is making.

I say that the Society and Government are not moving forward in the USA. Other nations are also standing still. Instead of moving forward, all nations are merely securing their people. This is why Veteran's Day will not change until all nations accept the science, that all Men are created equal. To install this science in the Society of the USA, the world economy must be changed from the British System of Economics to the American System of Economics. If this change is never made, wars will continue and veteran's will go to wars often because all humans are reborn by God.

To eliminate the temporary security for people under God, a nation must move forward. Where are the believers of God?

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Monday, November 10, 2014

687. The Meaning of 'all Men are created equal.'

In the Declaration of Independence, the statement all Men are created equal, has received different meanings, Many blogs discuss this statement. (click)  I extract two Google summaries below.

(1) The concept that all men are created equal is interpreted differently by people. One interpretation of "all men" has hovered over the Declaration of Independence since its creation. Although most people have interpreted "all men" to mean humanity, others have argued that Jefferson and the other authors of the Declaration meant to exclude women and children. Within the context of the times it is clear that "all men" was a euphemism for "humanity," and thus those people, such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King, who used the Declaration of Independence to demand equality for African Americans and women seized the historical as well as the moral high ground. (click)

(2) The quotation all Men are created equal has been called an "immortal declaration", and "perhaps [the] single phrase" of the American Revolutionary period with the greatest "continuing importance." Thomas Jefferson first used the phrase in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. It was thereafter quoted or incorporated into speeches by a wide array of substantial figures in American political and social life in the United States. The final form of the phrase was stylized by Benjamin Franklin. (click)

The first summary says that most people say that all men means humanity. This summary is correct because God creates souls first and then gives a body to males and females. And the second summary says that Ben Franklin's words were his own style. This summary is incorrect becausef Ben had to make scientific changes to Thomas Jefferson's draft version of the Declaration of Independence (DOI).  These changes were necessary because Thomas Jefferson was not skilled in science as Ben became skilled in Europe for ten years before 1776.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Sunday, November 09, 2014

686. Saving Our Children

Life in the USA is focused on the British System of Economy and is not focused on the life of humans on God and the universe that God is making.  To maintain rich humans, this ugly economy develops mental problems in our new children. Below, I show that this economy is developing undesirable behaviors and drugs of our new children. I show that the life of our children is not free. Thus, we function in good ways like God functions the universe perfectly.

Americans, who are atheists, have no God and , say that they are free and can live irrational lives. However, Americans who have a God, know that they are not free because only God is free and can act in many different ways. However, some Godly Americans say that they are free. These Americans are wrong because God gives our soul a new body when we die. When we get this new body from God, we will not be able to describe our last life. Thus, our life is never free because our minds are rational, never become irrational, and are always identifying lines of reasoning in ways like  God acts. Since only God is free, the minds of atheists are stuck into the mud.

Accordingly, the development of a new life of a child is very important to the Father, Mother, and other humans in all nations. In the USA, the Government says that children are free. This statement is wrong because the Declaration of Independence (DOI) has laws just like the Constitution has laws. It is clear that the U.S. Congress does not know the universe or God.

Our lost children must become godly humans by rejecting the economic competition worldwide and bring full employment to our children.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Saturday, November 08, 2014

685.The Equality of All Humans Is A Scientific Truth

On pages 42 and 43 of my second book, A New and Modern Holy Bible With The Intelligent Design Of An Active God the Federal Reserve System and the IRS conducted research on the wealth of the U.S. households. The wealth of these households are presented below, from 1963 to 1992. The poor households are 90%, the small business households are 9%, and the rich households are 1%.

                 Percentile Group
          0 to 90  90 to 99 99 to 100
1963    36.1%   32.0%    31.8%
1983    33.4%   35,1%    31.6%
1989    30.7%   33.1%    36.2%
1992    32.8%   36.6%    32.4%

After 29 years pass, the poor households loses 3.3%; the business households wins 4.6%, and the rich households wins 0.6%. From 1993 to 2014, 21 years pass. But no more research has been conducted by the IRS and the Federal Reserve System. It seems that the U.S. Congress does not want another similar research program.

Based on the competitive nations, the USA and the foreign nations can never make all humans equal. So, as competition continues, wars, terrorism, and crime will expand. And people on this planet will never learn the real universe that God is making. Again, Jesus taught the equality of all humans in the New Testament at Matt. 5:19 and Matthew Chapter 24, Many people do not understand the teachings of Jesus.t.

In this recent voting period, the GOP and the Democrats continued to argue over the wealth of the poor people, the small business people, and the rich people. All U.S. political parties are getting nowhere because they have no knowledge of God and the universe that God is making.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Friday, November 07, 2014

684. The GOP Will Increase The Poorness Of The People Again

During the presidency of Obama, the poor people became richer and the rich people became poorer. Since the GOP has recently gained its power in Congress, the rich people will become richer again and the poor people will again become poorer. This is how the British Economy of Adam Smith works in the USA.

The ugly British System of Economics came into existence after President Lincoln was assassinated, the American System of Economics was not approved, Darwin's evolutionary theory was accepted, the world market was opened, and different killer species were shown on movies. So, one life became a new belief in many nations, which spoke of a second life in God's universe..

However, I prove that two lives do not exist. Instead I prove that life of all people had no beginning and has no end because God is always the origin of everything in the universe. The true God always was and always will be. Thus, all humans will live again, again, and again in the universe, when they die because God gives every human an immortal soul when our bodies wears out. When we die, we receives a new body continually..

Since the USA economy creates rich people and poor people, the human life of richness is about 10% and the human life of poorness is about 90$. So, when a rich person is reborn by God one hundreds times, a person is rich 10 lives and is poor for 90 lives. Today's economists say that richness and poorness is acceptable. But the economists are not acceptable to humans or to my research on God and the universe.

Building an equal economy for all people is possible in the American System of Economics by Henry Clay and Henry C. Carey. To hold onto the British System of Economics is ungodly.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Thursday, November 06, 2014

683. In Voting This Week, Republicans and Democrats Will Not Move the USA Forward

In the USA this week, the GOP increased its power over the Democratic party. Accordingly, the rich class will increase its richness and the poor class will decrease its poorness. This is how the Republican and Democrats use the British economy of Adam Smith. This see saw economy of the world will not change unless the American Economic System of Henry Clay (click), (click)  and Henry C. Carey (click) is installed.

However, the Declaration of Independence (DOI) is hardly read by any Americans. Yet, the DOI says that Americans are equal and have rights. The equality of Americans must be defined by science. On the other hand, the rights are self-evident truths. Among these truths are life, liberty and happiness. But these equalities and rights are not being developed by Congress..

My first scientific proof of God says that God is one and infinite because only finite things can be found in the universe. Since God is one and infinite and creates all finite things, co-existents must exist because God has made us and our universe .

So, in God and the universe, we will find many co-existents. For instance, a typical co-existent is an equality and it inequalities. Equality of humans are defined by our sciences and the inequalities of humans are defined by causes of God. So, in human life freedom is not absolute.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

682. More On The Old Testament, New Testamant, and The Qur'an

I say that the Old Testament is outdated because Albert Einstein says that the universe had a beginning and has an end. Scientifically, the beginning means that time is defined as t = 0,and begins with a Big Bang explosion. Scientifically, the end means that this explosion caused a 3-D space, which produced energetic things, and eventually lost all of these energetic things to pure heat energy.

When the Old Testament and New Testament came together, the first Bible was produced. This first Bible appeared in the second century.(click) I have concluded that this first Bible brought the Old and New Testaments together when the Christian, Irenaeus, said that Gnosticism is blasphemy. Thus, when the first Bible was made, I say that all scientific teachings of Jesus were silenced by the Jews and the Christians.

Unfortunately, when the Jews said that the universe has a beginning and end, the Christians agreed with them. However, this Christian agreement was wrong because Jesus teaches that the universe has no beginning or end. Examples of Jesus' scientific teaching are found in Chapter 24 of Matthew and at the verse of Matt. 5:19. So, Jesus and I reject the God and universe of the Old Testament.

The Qur'an and the teachings of Islam are also problematic because Muslims say that the Qur'an was verbally revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. I conclude that Muhammad was a follower of Nestorius, a Christian who rejected the divinity of Jesus. I conclude that Muhammad was a follower of the teachings of Jesus on an endless universe. Scientifically, our proofs of God are telling us that communications between God and all finite things are impossible. We can only sense finite things, which take us into the unknown future.

The Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Qur'an are scriptures made by humans. Non of these scriptures are completed or can be completed because the universe has no end.. All scriptures and any writings are only sources of information for the future of human lives.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

681. The Christian Path to God

The functional relations between God and humans must be found because humans are reborn continuously by God on planets forever. Below, I discuss the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Qur'an and their functional relations between God and us.

The Old Testament is a collection of religious writings by ancient Israelites. It is considered one of the most important and influential works of literature and has provided inspiration for many writers. In 1886, Friedrich Nietzsche said:

In the Jewish Old Testament, there are men, things and speeches in so grand a style that Greek and Indian literature have nothing to compare to it. One stands with awe and reverence before these tremendous remnants of what man once was... The taste for the Old Testament is a touchstone of "greatness" and "smallness". To have glued this New Testament, a kind of rococo of taste in every respect, to the Old Testament to form one book... that is perhaps the greatest audacity and sin against the spirit that Europe has on its conscience.

The Old Testament was developed by the Jewish language. This language began to develop by humans 5000 years ago. The Old Testament was not developed by words of God because a communication between God and humans are impossible. The Old Testament does not seem to identify any functional relations between God and us. Since most Jews believe in Albert Einstein's theory that the universe will come to an end, I conclude that functional relations between God and us do not exist in Judism.

The New Testament is very different than the Old Testament. The New Testament was developed by disciples, who became students of Jesus. Jesus became a teacher of new sciences and morals in Greece. Since Jesus wanted to teach these new sciences and morals to Jews, some Jews had Jesus put to death b Pontius Pilate. I conclude that the New Testament of Jesus was an improvement of the Old Testament and that many of the teachings of Jesus were ;the new functional relations between God and humans. So, I conclude that the New Testament guides our lives forever..

The Qur'an is similar to the Old Testament because Muslims say that the universe comes to an end..  Since the Qur'an comes from God, the development of functional relations between God and us are very unclear.

It is clear to me that the New Testament is the only scripture that is leading humans into a life that God has made for us. Although Jesus did not use the term 'functional relation' in his teachings, modern scientists know that the word 'in' at John 14:20 would eventually change to the words 'functional relation.' So, Christians are on the right path to God.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Monday, November 03, 2014

680. Functional Relations of the U.S. Declaration of Indpendence and the U.S. Constitution

For many years, I have said that the U.S. Declaration of Independence (DOI) is functionally related to the Constitution. I say that this functional relation is defined by the DOI, which forms a Society with the private sector. And, this functional relation is defined by the Constitution, which forms a Government with the public sector. The colonists created this private and public sector because they studied and accepted The Second Treatise of Government by John Locke,

Another example of a functional relation between the DOI and the Constitution is presented. For example, the DOI says that the one people of the USA is entitled to the Law of Nature and of Nature's God. I show that Nature's God has been proven scientifically. This proof appeared for the first time in the book, The First Scientific Proof of God: Reveals God's Intelligent Design and a Modern Creation Theory (2006). (click), (Dr. Stephen P. Smith)

In my other two books, I define many other functional relations between the DOI and the Constitution, other functional relations between God and all things in the universe, and functional relations between humans. The two books are: A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012) and God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014)

I suggest that Congress bring the Declaration od Independence and the Constitution together functionally with science. But functional relations will be found everywhere by humans.  If a human is unable to find functional relations, I say that this person will not be reborn in any greater heavens. Even Jesus taught tese functional relations at Matt. 5:19..

Sunday, November 02, 2014

679. Only Scientists and Moral Humans Should Work In Government

My blog yesterday is 'Bringing the Declaration of Independence Into the Minds of Americans. For the first time, in which all ten nations read my blogs, expressed their interest in my blog yesterday. Thus, I conclude that many foreign nations are wondering why the U.S. Government has never unified any functional relation between the Declaration of Independence (DOI) and the U.S. Constitution.

On March 26, 2008, in a letter to me, U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller said, 'While the Declaration of Independence is not considered law in the same sense that the Constitution is considered law, throughout out nation's history, it has been looked upon by the Supreme Court in order to frame the historical content of legal and constitutional issues.
If the above letter on March 26, 2008 from Senator Rockefeller is true, the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 had no laws, had no scientific statements, had no moral statements, and is never functionally related to the U.S, Constitution. Based on the above words of Senator Rockefeller and the Congress, the U.S. government cannot be abolished by the Stares and the scientific statements and moral statements in the DOI have never been applied to the USA. But I say that the DOI has had laws, scientific statements, and moral statements from July 4, 1776 to the assassination of President Lincoln.
So, I say that laws, scientific statements, and moral statements of the DOI were eliminated by some Americans beginning in 1865. I believe that these Americans were most of the people who went West and never even learned the DOI. The terrible behavior of some of these Western Americans can be seen in the encore TV movies of the West. After WWI and WWII, other Americans developed a terrible economic behavior that never responded to the DOI. Also, recent Presidents do not respond to the DOI.
Since the U.S. economy is destroying town after town, many town people are only hoping to die so they can go to heaven. But new scientific findings say that another heaven does not exist. Only the universe that God made is the universe we will live. Thus, humans are reborn continually by God forever. We are never reborn in the same nation because only humans have made the nations in which we live now. Accordingly, in order to give a scientist and a moral human a better nation, we must make all nations equal.
Accordingly, the USA must develop the DOI and unite it functionally with the U.S. Government. But only science and morality should develop this development.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page

Saturday, November 01, 2014

678. Bringing the Declaration of Independence Into the Minds of Americans

I say that the U.S. Congress, Presidents, and Supreme Court judges have violated the Declaration of Independence (DOI) after President Lincoln was assassinated. Further, when President Kennedy put astronauts on the moon and was assassinated, many Americans began to violate the Declaration of Independence. After the Americans went to work and won the WWII, the GI B ill of Rights put many Americans into colleges and universities. However, in the 1970ss the economy fell and has never recovered. I say that rich/poor class and violations of the DOI by government has caused this economic failure. Below, I present the way the DOI can be used to stop this economic fall.

The first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence says:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for (1) one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the (2) Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The first paragraph contains two scientific statements. They are underlined. The remaining statements are general statements.

The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence says:

(1) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that(2) all men are created equal, that (3) they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that (4) among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ---(1) That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

The second paragraph contains four scientific statements. They are underlined. The second paragraph contains one moral statement. It is underlined. The remaining statements are general statements.

Many atheistic Americans have changed the American life under God. Ungodly examples are abortions, same sex marriages, drugs, crime, poor or no work, cancer, richness, poorness, and making false families.

Unless a new American life is made, the beginning fall of the 1970s will continue and grow.

My books about God and the Universe are presented below:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To the Universe. (2014), 429 page