Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

443. The Need For New International Laws

In my research on the subject of God's acts, I conclude that God creates families. The families of God consist of a father, a mother, and a number of children. Since God knows each father and mother, each different family is known by God. And God knows each father, mother, and their children until they pass on and are reborn as a new family.

When the children of a family grows and develop their own children, a new family will develop and God will know this new family. However, some 'big families' develop. An example is the Rockefeller family. But God does not know these 'big families' because God only knows new families

If 'big families' develop in nations, inequalities of nations, families, and humans will develop. These inequalities have developed throughout the world. If we do not fix these inequalities, I conclude that the acts of God will fix them. Thus, many new international laws are needed.

My books are as follows:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

442. Republicans Do Not Know That a New World Is Coming

Plan A is a political plan that will become Plan B if an alternative plan is made in the White House and is accepted by Congress. In a recent newspaper article, Jonah Goldberg, a syndicated columnist, said that President Obama has 'No Plan B for foreign policy.' Since Goldberg says that President Obama did not develop Plan B, he  suggests that the foreign policy must be returned to Plan A, which was the foreign policy of George W. Bush.

I conclude that Goldberg's suggestion is wrong because the world policy of Obama is correct and based on my proof that God exists, that all co-existents form one world, that all world humans are Little God's with immortal souls, and that all humans will live continually in God's universe.

In Berlin on his first speech abroad, President Obama became a citizen of the world and spoke about a world without walls. The crowds went wild. In 1948, I saw Russia's Berlin and the young children, who had no parents. Based on this first speech, the Nobel Committee gave Obama a Peace Prize.

Goldberg says that Obama must have a Plan B for wars such as the Afghanistan war. Goldberg says that this war is ending bur has turned into terrorism after drones were used and after Osama Bin Laden was put to death. Goldberg also says that the  'red line' of Obama in Syria failed, that the nuclear program of Iran failed, and that Russia's takeover of Crimea is a failure of Obama.

It is clear that Goldberg does not know that new nations, without walls, are coming.  This change will turn all nations and all humans into equalities.  Thus, Obama has a Plan B that will last for a  long period.  These equalities are necessary because God gives new life to every humans after their deaths. To maintain inequalities among nations and humans, rich classes will try to stop this big change by convincing people that God does not exist..

My books are as follows:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Monday, April 28, 2014

441.More On the 'Cosmos, a Spacetime Odyssey'

In the Fox TV program last evening, Neil deGrasse Tyson continued his talk on the Cosmos, a Spacetime Odyssey. His talk is about stars, --- about the 'Sisters of the Stars' and the 'deaths of stars.' Tyson said that geochemist Clair Patterson (1922-95) calculated the age of the Earth as 4.5 billion years. Tyson also say that cultures of the past have viewed stars as dots in the sky. These dots made pictures of animals, people, and physical things (like the Big Dipper).  However, he says that most of the stars are old and have already drifted apart. Tyson says that over a million stars exist. However, science will say that the true number of stars must be traced back to their beginning.

Tyson says that suns consume hydrogen. Thus, in about a billion years the sun will become very big and will swallow up Mars, Venus and even the Earth. Tyson hopes that the inhabitants of Earth at that time will find a way to live on other planets. He says our sun will collapse and will shrink to the size of the Earth.

Tyson said that Ada Carina became the brightest star in the galaxy in 1843. This crazy star is a hundred times more massive than the sun it is pushing. Tyson says that this crazy is tormented by an evil twin, another star with it and could blow up. When it blows up it will be a cataclysm unlike anything we’ve seen before. This star is called a hyper nova.  If Ada Carina blows up, Earth will be fine because we are far away from it. Its explosion will only put on a show in our sky.

Tyson says that oxygen, the air, carbon, and human DNA were made by the stars years ago. So, Tyson says that star dust exists. Thus, if you buy a bottle of wine and take a sip, Tyson says you can feel our brain take the chemical of wine and put into your brain and into the acoustics of yours voice. He says that we’re lucky to have this clean energy.

While stars are interesting subjects, Tyson and his physical scientists do not prove that all living things and all nonliving things come from the stars.  Nor does Tyson say that the origin or cause of all effects is from a Big Bang thing?  I say that all living and all nonliving things are finite and must originate from an infinite thing, which is a not-not-finite thing that I call God.

My books are as follows:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Saturday, April 26, 2014

440 Russians Will Not Get Their Nations Back

Russia is on the path to atheism. So, Russians are trying to take other nations with them into hell.. For the last two years, Russians were reading my blogs, my universe, and my panentheistic God. Since Russian business persons have no God and President Putin has a God, those nations which left the Soviet Union in the 1990s, must say 'No. to the business persons. Instead, the new independent nations should teach the Russian business persons about my panentheistic God and the never ending universe that God is making.

My blogging and My Books: (1) Scientific Proof of God, (2) A New and Modern Bible, and (3) God And His Coexistent Relations of God and the Universe.

This Monthly Readers of Ten Nations are as follows:
United States        800
United Kingdom  207
France                  121
Canada                 111
German                111
China                     78
Poland                    62
Ukraine                  50
Thailand                 46
Sweden                   36

Friday, April 25, 2014

439. Big Families Must be Eliminated

Human families are formed by God when He makes an infinite number of human souls and creates humans by giving a human soul a body through the sexual relations of a male and female.

However, some humans do not know the above acts of God. Instead, these humans say that families& are formed by generations, by Darwin's evolutionary theory,or by other social relations. (click) Thus, humans are able to form 'big families,' which hold many humans together over long periods of time. Since these big families can accumulate wealth, the big families can gain control over the life of natural families that God made. These big families must be eliminated.

When God connects a human soul to a male and female, I say that God expects the male and female to make a baby and give the baby knowledge. Jesus taught this action of God at Matt. 5:19. The development of the knowledge of the Ten Commandments was only the least knowledge for every child. This least knowledge becomes great knowledge when the child goes to school. To remove the great knowledge from our schools by the U.S. Supreme Court was an ungodly act.

My books are as follows:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Thursday, April 24, 2014

438. War Machines vs. God's Machines

All war machines are mental errors because they are unnatural to the lives of every human being and the universe that God is making.

For instance, when God made the universe, he made an infinite number of immortal souls. Since these souls exist forever, all of these souls must receive a new body after a person's body wears out or after the person dies and will get another body. Thus, when a human soul needs a new body, God will remove this human soul from the old body and from the old family, which are about 100 years. Then God will move this human soul to a new body and a new young family. Thus, Gottfried Leibniz was correct about God, who says that space is the order of coexistent bodies and time is the order of body successions.

So, the development of  big families and the development of  DNA blood for long families are unnatural and could be unnatural sicknesses such as cancer.

The least action motion of the souls by God is natural because God's universe is moving forward continually forever and cannot be completed. Accordingly, the motion of the human souls require that all families and nations must become equal. War machines are thus needed only to secure the equalities of short families and long nations.

When I was in Germany after WWII, I saw too many German children suffering from Hitler's ignorant war machine. With Russia's war machine against Ukraine, the equality of nations and humans will be gone.

My books are as follows:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

437 Religions Must Act Now.

The first formal development of religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other believing systems, developed only morals (rights and wrongs). Thus, I say that these first religions did not develop sciences (truths and falsities) and thus could not develop any sciences of God and the universe. But as I said yesterday, the first sciences had been developing by great thinkers such Confucius, Anaxagoras, Plato, and Jesus.

But by the 2nd century, the Jews and Christians quiet Jesus' first sciences about God and the universe. Since religions have never developed any sciences, I say that all current religions are developing fakes that are not what they are purported to be.

The New Testament has many sciences of Jesus. For example, in Matt. 5:19, Jesus speaks of the 'least in the kingdom of heaven' and also speaks of the 'great in the kingdom of heaven,' Jesus is teaching that all human minds can grow. Jesus teaches the mind of a woman of Samaria at John. 4:7-15 and calls it living water to distinguish it from our thirsty water. These words of Jesus say that the human mind self-develops knowledge.

When a religion teaches only morals, it must prepare its followers for more wars because a new life in heaven with God is not possible. But war machines have no natural purpose because the leader of each war machine does not know its soldiers because only God knows the time and place of each human being. So, when Hitler's mind was at work to win nation-after-nation, he did not know his soldiers. Nor did Hitler know that he would be reborn by God after he killed himself.

If religions do not come together with science, the war machines in this world will continue. President Putin and Russia is an example of Hitler's dumbness.

My books are as follows:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

436.Christianity Is Wrong About Jesus and God

In the 2nd century A.D., Gnosticism was viewed as blasphemy of Christians and all scientific teachings of Jesus had been silenced so that only morals would be taught. And when the Old and New Testaments brought Judaism and Christianity together under 'deism,' the universe was said to had a beginning and will comes to an end.

In the 4th century A.D., Christianity turned away from 'deism' and became 'theism,' when they called for a Trinitarian God. Theism did not change the beginning and end of the universe. The Trinitarian God created more beliefs, such as, I look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the world to come.

The Trinitarian God is defined in the third paragraph of the Nicene Creed as follows: And I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth spoke by the Prophets from the Father and the Son, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and gloried.

Thus, the Trinitarian God of Christianity says that God is Three and Judaism says that God is One. In other words Christianity says that God has parts and Judaism says that God has no parts. When Muhammad died, his brother and some Jews, made the Koran, which is aligns Islam to deism.  This is why Muslims say that Christians are infidels. However, Muhammad was a follower of Jesus and Nestorius. (click) Nestorius was a well respected Christian and said that God is one and eternal and cannot be born in a mother without a father.

I agree with Nestorius because all human souls, which are created by God, are born and reborn only with a human mother and human father. Since the universe of Jesus had no beginning and has no end, the knowledge of the universe cannot be completed. So, there is no possibility for Jesus or any human to become God.

My research on Jesus as a scientist is very clear in my books.

My books are as follows:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Sunday, April 20, 2014

435.Correcting Easter Sunday About Jesus

On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to the New Testament, Jesus sinned and was put on a cross by Pontius Pilate. But Christians say that Jesus was raised from the dead, and returned to life three days after his death. Below, I will correct this Christian saying.

As part of the Easter season, the death of Jesus Christ by crucifixion is commemorated on Good Friday, three days before Easter Sunday. Based on Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, Christians say that Jesus paid a penalty for a sin but also purchased an eternal life for all people who believe in him.

Based on my research on the teachings of Jesus, the New Testament has been misinterpreted and been taught incorrectly for over 2000 years. My research says that Jesus traveled to Greece after he was twelve years old. In these travels Jesus learned panentheism (click), which was found by Confucius, Anaxagoras, and Plato long ago. But when Jesus learned panentheism and became thirty years old, he went home to teach it.

Two views of panentheism exist. In Greece, panentheism develops a universe, which had no beginning and has no end. But when Jesus came home, the Greek panentheism was challenged immediately by the deism of the Jews. Deism says that God went to work on the first day and came to rest on the sixth day. Thus, the Old Testament has a universe, which had a beginning and has an end.

When Jesus came home to teach panentheism, his disciples had to learn what Jesus had learned for eighteen years. Since Jesus was killed three yeas after he came home. I conclude that the disciples of Jesus would make many errors when they were asked to make the New Testament when Jesus was killed. I have studied the New Testament long enough to learn that the New Testament has many errors on the subject of panentheism. I fix many of them in my books below.

While Easter Sunday is incorrect, I conclude that Easter Sunday can be corrected because Jesus was the first big thinker to teach panentheism. So, I made a new and more powerful church called 'The Panentheistic Church of Jesus.'

My books are below.

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Saturday, April 19, 2014

434. More Thoughts On My 433 Blog

If God and souls have no parts, then many wholes-with-parts can form a universe if God exists, God creates souls, and God relates these souls functionally. These short words are related to the most advanced words of God, the universe, and the new planets that have been found.

As a scientist in engineering, I can generalize these advanced  words, for the benefit of non-scientists and politicians, by saying that God made a universe in which humans can die and be reborn forever and naturally. Accordingly, I can also say that I reject today's flawed religions, and free enterprise economies, crime, and people, who say that humans are free, have only one life, or have a second life in the heaven with God. I reject these  flawed scriptures because they come from the ugly languages of all nations and lead to more and more war machines.

Being reborn by God in any nation of the planet we now live is a disaster caused by war machines and human inequalities.

Friday, April 18, 2014

433.God Has No Parts. But Human Souls Will Receive New Parts From God After Each Death

In my thoughts yesterday, I said that God and souls exist and have no parts. In my first book, The First Scientific Proof of God , I proved that God exists when I looked upward and into the evening sky and said (1) that the sky contains only finite things. Then, I said (2) all of these finite things must have come from something different. Since these finite things cannot come from any negative thing,  I said (3) that these finite things could come only from a 'not-not-finite' thing. This not-not-finite thing is only God. Based on this discovery, I assumed that God makes the universe with opposing concepts.

In my second book, A New and Modern Holy Bible, I concluded that God's mind has an infinity of opposing concepts. Since I proved that God is unknown, I had to focus my thoughts on the acts of God that made the universe with coexistent opposing concepts. In my first opposing opposites, I say that God's acts made the universe with the coexistent opposites, indivisible and divisible. With indivisibles, God identifies and makes all souls for the universe. For instance, in making a the chicken, the chicken comes before the eggs. Then, by relating and moving the souls, God identifies and makes all divisible and moving things for the universe. I say that God gives human souls a new body after their death. So, the inequality of humans is ungodly..

In my third book, God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe, I search for other coexistent concepts and conclude that the Chinese God and the universe are equal to my work.

I say that the God of many religions are incorrect and that the nations of the world are incorrect and ungodly. Many nations are only war machines.

The books pages are,

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Thursday, April 17, 2014

432. It Is Time For Making Better Languages

The thoughts of Robert L. Spitzer in yesterday's blog represent the typical priests of the Catholic Church. Thus, I conclude that the Christian priests, Popes, etc. are using a cultural language that has become related mostly to the symbols of the Old Testament and New Testament. Accordingly, I say that this old cultural language is poorly aligned to today's languages in modern science and moral laws.

This cultural language of Christianity was hardened when (1) in the 1st century B.C., Cicero installed only logical symbols and their meanings in the Roman Courts, (2) in the 1st century, the New Testament was made by some of Jesus' disciples and some of his other followers, (3) in the 2nd century A.D., Irenaeus said that Gnosticism is heresy and scientific teachings of Jesus became useless. and (4) in the 3rd century, many Christians said that God is Trinitarian and One, that Jesus is the Son of God, that people are resurrected, and that God raises us from the dead.

Since the universe has no end, the Protestant and Catholic Churches must make their cultural language better every day, just as many nations must make their national languages better every day.  So, these churches and other religions now know that God has no parts and that our souls from God have no parts. But we also know now that God gave our souls parts and a universe so that we can live and pass on time after time. When Jesus taught his work at John 14:12, Jesus lived in many different periods. We cannot recognize Jesus in his periods because only God is able to make souls and give them parts.

Robert L. Spitzer, isn't it time to reconsider some of my thoughts? And Russia, isn't it time to stop making life miserable for the people of Ukraine.

The books below contain my thoughts.

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

431.The Existence of God by Robert Spitzer of ther USA

Robert J. Spitzer, who was born on May 16, 1952, is a Jesuit priest, philosopher, educator, author, speaker, and retired President of Gonzaga University Spokane, Washington. (click) Spitzer is founder and currently active as President of Magis Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to public education concerning the complementary relationship among the varied disciplines of physics, philosophy, reason, and faith. He is also the Chief Education Officer of the Ethics and Performance Institute which delivers web-based ethics education to corporations and individuals. He is also President of the Spitzer Center of Catholic Organizations, which helps cultivate cultures of evangelising in Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools, and other organizations.

One of Spitzer's recent book is 'New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy'  (click) This book is accepted and rejected by reviewers.   Spitzer says that the universe had a beginning and has a transcendent cause, which goes beyond our knowing and knowledge.  He also says that a bouncing universe cannot bounce forever. So, Spitzer e says that the universe has an end.   And Spitzer says that space-time geometry exists so that time= 0 exists  Thus, I say that Spitzer does not know that God and the universe is One world and had no beginning and has no end. While Spitzer accepts God, I believe that  he will eventually accept the Big Band theory and accept too many immoralities

As a priest of the catholic Church, Spitzer will accept Jesus as the Son of God.  So, he will accept God as a Trinity.  Since I agree with Abraham that God is one, I say that God has no parts and thus has no Son of God. My books below say that Jesus went to Greece after age 12 because he rejected the hungry money exchangers and became a Platonist.  This is why the teachings of Jesus  in the New Testament are excellent and are very different than the Old Testament.

In my books below, I develop my mind.

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

430.U.S. Schools Must Change

Yesterday, I said that the Fox TV program, A Spacetime Odyssey. is a false theory of the universe. Now, I say that a physical atom cannot be the origin of the universe because all physical atoms are compounds and have parts. Thus, the origin of the universe is not a Big Bang thing. Instead, the origin of he universe is God, who has no parts.

Since God is one and has no parts, humans had to learn the universe that has parts. In order to determine the parts of the universe, God gave humans the ability to perceive the universe with symbols (or words) that have meanings. Since these symbols and their meanings are always imperfect the universe can never be completed.

In Plato's Meno dialogue, Socrates taught a slave boy how to ask questions. The slave asked questions and discovered that a square can be twice the area of a smaller square.(click)  The teaching of this large geometry and small geometry is called 'drill and grill' of our teachers.

Jacob Steiner (1796-1863)(click), Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) (click), and Felix Klein (1849-1925) (click) developed the drill and grill teachings and developed many different geometries. For instance, with circles Klein shows that a triangle inside a circle can be projected into a bigger circle. This triangle could also be projected into a very big circle where the circle's circumference looks like a straight line. The triangle is maintained in all circles until the circle becomes identical to a straight line and becomes an attribute of God. This is why 'identities' exist only in God. Thus, twins will never be found in the universe.

When Madelyn Murray O'Hair convinced the U.S. Supreme Court to remove godly teachings from our public schools, the people of the USA moved toward Hell. Other nations, such as England and Russia, also went to Hell.  Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are confused about the true God that maintain the universe forever.

In my books below, I define many problems in the U.S. schools.

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Monday, April 14, 2014

429. The Field of Physical Science Is In Deep Trouble

Episode 6 of 'Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey', Fox TV program goes deeper, deeper, and deeper still. Episode 6 takes us on a journey into the fabric of our own existence and, explore the atomic and sub-atomic structure of the universe. In this program, science casts a 'cloak of visibility' over everything including all humans, which are made only from atoms.

The above program contains a major terrible error because all physical atoms begin or end by parts. The true atoms of the universe, which are defined by Gottfried Leibniz are called monads. All monads are simple substances, which have no parts, are not extended, have no shape, and are indivisible. I suggest that physical scientists read Leibniz's Monadology. Leibniz's true atoms are simple substances that must exist because compounds exist. All simple substances are thus created by God and can be annihilated only by God. In this post, Christians should realize that Jesus is not the Son of God because God is one and has no parts. Thus. Jesus is a human, a great one.

In my books below, I define many other terrible errors of physical scientists.

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Friday, April 11, 2014

428. How My Blogs Are Working

Americans and foreigners have been steady readers of my blogs. They have been reading my blogs in response to two opposing theories that developed in the field of science. And they have been reading one opposing theory that developed in the field of religion. These three theories developed after U.S. astronauts landed on the moon and President Kennedy was murdered.

One opposing theory in the field of science says that the universe has an end or has no end. And the other theory in the field of science says that that a Big Bang created the universe or that God created the universe. The opposing theory in the field of religion says that God is giving each human one life in the universe or that God is giving each human many lives in the universe. Thus, your whole future and wars will depend on which way these theories are rejected or accepted

At this time, my blogging effort is to prove that God created an endless universe and is giving each human many lives. In my blogs, I am identifying those humans who have found that God made a universe that has no end. Since the three theories above are very complex, I had to made three books below to help readers.(click)

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages (click)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

427. We Must Correct the Meanings of the Symbols In Our Languages

As I said before, the minds of Americans are flawed. But my saying does not mean that the minds of people in other nations are not flawed. I say that only God's mind is not flawed because God is perfect and humans are not perfect.  Thus, all humans must correct their minds continually because they know that their minds are imperfect and will never become perfect. Accordingly, the minds of humans must always be improved with more new symbols that need precise meanings.

When the American colonists became separated from England in 1776, the minds of the colonists had to develop new symbols and determine their meanings. One new symbol for the 'one People' was the concept of freedom. And another new symbol for the 'one People' was the concept of equal. But after 238 years in the USA, the meanings of these two symbols are still undefined. They are undefined because political parties will not agree to the meanings of symbols. For example, one party might say that freedom can belong to God because God's freedom cannot diminish. But another parts might say that freedom can also belong to humans because human freedom can be diminished by laws. A third party can say that humans are absolutely free because some humans are atheists.

As seen, the minds of humans are always confused because national leaders are not interested in the minds of their people. Many leaders are interested only in war machines. Leaders must be eliminated in every nations because God does exist.  Thus, I conclude that all wars and inequalities are coming from the symbolic languages of all nation, all religions, and atheism.   I conclude that improving the meaning of  the symbols in each language of all language will take lots of time, the development of a single language worldwide should be considered,.  Otherwise the world's war machines will continue a long time.

In my books below, I continue to improve the meaning of symbols for young children.  My improvements are based on God, not theism.

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

426. The Minds Of Many Americans Are Highly Flawed

Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory came to the USA in 1859. Any good thinker will conclude that Darwin's theory came to the USA in order to keep Abe Lincoln out of the White House and eventually return the Crown of England into the USA and its States. Although the Crown did not win the USA, it did get Darwin's theory into the minds of many humans in the USA.

Today, many U.S. doctors, atheists, and physicists believe in the concept of evolution, instead of  believing in God and God's endless universe. Today, many U.S, CEOs and governmental persons believe in the concept of competition, instead of believing in the equality of humans. Today, many people believe in the concept of same sex marriages, instead of believing in God's rebirth of all humans through a man and woman.In general, the USA is falling away from God fast.

In my books below, I define many other terrible beliefs in the USA.

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

425. Drug Use, Crime, and the Laissez-faire Economy Are Ungodly Acts of Humans

When the founders of the USA separated the colonists from England in 1776, life changes for the good in the USA became necessary under God and human freedom. These godly and freedom changes were made from the period of President Gorge Washington to President Lincoln's  assassination in 1865.

After Lincoln's death, the lasses-faire economy of  Adam Smith of England, would appear in the USA. This economy would fail twice in 1893 and 1929 and would form two big wars that caused the death of many Americans. To correct the laissez-faire economy, small businesses and the U.S. government would become active in 1890, as Lincoln the South and West before he was killed..

However. one hundred years would pass Lincoln's death before many drug users and criminals would appear in 1965. The cause of drug use and the cause of crime was never determined.  Instead, many politicians usually said that all drug use and crime come from evolution. Such politicians also say that the concept of competition also comes evolution. However, other politicians say that evolution is false and that competition is unnatural. I reject evolution and competition.  So, I say that all drug use and all crime are coming from flawed minds and from atheism.  But I can also say that laissez-faire is an ungodly economic system.

As seen, my work is evaluating symbols that define God's acts and symbols that define the universe.  With these evaluations, I am defining a system in which God and the universe form one world.

My three books are:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Monday, April 07, 2014

424. Life Changes For 'The Good.'

When I became a member of the professional staff of the National Institute of Justice of the U; S. Department of Justice in 1971, not only was crime rising, drug use was rising, the Beatles of England arrived, and the prices of things had risen to 12%.

Last evening, I watched a TV program called the 49th Academy of Country Music. For most of the evening the audience and the professional singers were singing simultaneously. Singers were wearing torn clothing, show their tattoos, and mostly use wire instruments. This academy began in 1965, after the Beatles came to the Ed Sullivan show on TV on February 9, 1964.

In order to turn the academy away from the evolutionary theory of England,  George Strait came to the academy and won the highest award at age 62. He wore well made clothing that existed before drugs came, and sang the way singers sing before Darwin's evolutionary came to the USA again. So, take evolutionary theory away from the people throughout the world.

The human mind must become more perfect as time passes, as Jesus taught in Chapter 24 of Matthew in the New Testament. People and their minds cannot go backward because our sun will  die, land and water will change, and the world will changes.  Only God does not change..

My three books are:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Sunday, April 06, 2014

423. How My Symbols Show that God and the Universe Is One

The symbols found in religious scriptures can be classified as right vs. wrong and true vs. false. After I studied Jesus in the 1980s, I concluded that these two different forms of symbols were used by Jesus in his teachings. My studies of Jesus were much clearer than the teachings I received when I was younger. So, I suggest that books and scriptures be read often because the mind improves and changes as time passes.

But when I learned about the Christian leader, Irenaeus of the 2nd century, I found that all true vs. false symbols went into the background of human lives of Christianity. Thus, the symbols, right vs. wrong, became the major teachings of Christianity. The right and wrong teachings were maintained even after Copernicus found that our earth was moving around the sun and that we are not at the center of the universe. So, Nicholas of Cusa, Kepler, and Galileo began to develop modern science with the symbols 'true and false.' But, as modern science developed through the 20th century, Pope John Paul II would finally apologized to Galileo in 1992. click)

However, in the 20th century, physical science rejected God and concluded that the universe has a beginning and will come to and end. This rejection began to change the U.S. citizens into atheism.

Thus, in 1981, I began to hunt for God. I did find God and made my first book in 2006. In this book, I found that God exists, is active, and is unknown.  But I concluded that we can learn God acts because He is active. In time, I found that God's acts are related to our acts and that our acts are related to God's acts. In time, I found that opposing concepts, such as 'indivisible/divisible.' will make God ant the universe one. Thus, I prove that physical science is false about God. The books below record my work.

My three books are:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Saturday, April 05, 2014

422. Destroying All War Machines

War machines emerge from people who have developed flawed minds. So, I say that the Malaysia 370 airplane was stolen and put into the ocean by a war machine, whose human minds are highly flawed.

When Malaysia Airline 370 left the airport and said 'good night' to the Malaysian airport, no further communication occurred between this airplane and the airport. But after this 'good night' communication, this airplane turned around and went toward Malaysia, where sick minds could jump out of the airplane at 20,000 feet and live. After this jump, the airplane would continue to move over the ocean until the fuel was gone and fell into the ocean.

When the airplane was lost, airplane experts sought information from the orange telemetry box in the lost airplane. These experts learned that the Malaysian pilots made no attempt to send a troublesome message to the Malaysian airport, before or after the airplane was turned around in order to fly toward the Malaysian island. So, I conclude that the pilots of Airline 370 had to be killed by the war machine after the airplane was turned and was moving toward Malaysia. This killing was necessary for the success of the war machine. When the airplane was moving over the land of Malaysia, the airplane was low enough for the war machine to leave the airplane with parachutes..

The war machine of this airplane was produced by humans who have highly flawed minds. So, it is time for all nations to destroy every war machine on this planet so that all humans can receive maximum justice. To produce this maximum justice, right/wrong concepts and true/false concepts must be developed and taught to all humans. This means that all nations should become equal. For people to develop very different minds is to develop war machines. When war machines develop, many families suffer. The Russian war machine of Putin is just another development of a flawed mind.

My three books are:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Friday, April 04, 2014

421. The Symbols Of Our Different Languages

In my books on God and the universe, I try to improve the meanings of symbols that I use so that my mind expands, corrects the U.S. English language, and reduces the flawed minds of many Americans. Further, when I read the books of other authors, I must study their books many times before I can learn the meanings of the symbols that the author is using.

Furthermore, when the histories of wars are being  recorded, the authors are unable to identify the root causes of wars because the meaning of symbols of the wars are vague and unclear. So, I say that all wars are created only by the 'flawed minds' of international leaders, such as Russia's Putin. For example, Putin's mind does not care about the minds of people. So, all wars must stop

The meaning of the symbols in scriptures are also problematic. To solve these problems, religious leaders say that all scriptural symbols come from God. The symbols of God do not exist.  My studies of the New Testament conclude that the disciples of Jesus were only students and could not write perfect symbolic statements. My studies of the symbols used by Jesus are very clear in my three books below. The symbols of Jesus showed me that God and the universe are one and that the universe has no end.

Accordingly, unless wars, evolution, capitalism, and economic competition come to an end, the life of people in all nations will be unequal and ugly. And the minds of people will not develop. So, to develop the mind of your children properly, my books will be very helpful.

My three books are:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Thursday, April 03, 2014

420. Fixing Flawed Human Minds

When John F. Kennedy became president of the USA, some astronauts would be asked to go into space. John Glenn was the first astronaut to go there. I helped to get him there by making an orange telemetry box for his spacecraft. Unfortunately, President Kennedy would not watch John's new travel because he would be killed by the flawed minds of human beings. Throughout our planet, too many early deaths are occurring. Yesterday, three more humans and one shooter, with a flawed mind, were killed in Fort Hood, Texas.

Throughout our planet, the minds of many humans are flawed because the minds many children are not developed properly by parents, school teachers, and social relations. Before retiring from the U.S. Department of Justice, I told Attorney General Reno about the flawed minds of children and adults who have become criminals, shooters. terrorists, and self-killers.

After I retired, I continued to study flawed minds and eventually concluded that all flawed minds will be found in 'all fields of thought that use symbols and give them a meaning.' If the meanings are imprecise, a person can develop a flawed mind.  Since flawed minds are found everywhere, flawed minds can be fixed only by forcing children to make 'books.' This is no different than making cars, making good food, etc. To polish my own mind, I made three books below. Thus, unless children make, sheets, papers, books, etc., terrible killings will continue. But I conclude that war machines, under God, will develop flawed minds.

My three books are:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

419. Why Humans Must Reject A Universe That Has a Beginning and End

The beginning and end of the universe is accepted by many different sources. For example, sources include all atheists, many physical scientists, many medical doctors, many economists, many psychologists, many religions, many rich families, some nations, political parties, and Fox-TV. Most of these sources reject God.

These sources accept two major human behaviors  --- evolution and competition. With these behaviors, these sources accept the human being as a 'physical thing' and is classified as the highest animal, which uses a mind and eyes in order to form a culture-determined line of empirical and  rational facts.

In my books below, I reject the  beginning and end universe above.  Instead, I accept a universe created by God.  This universe has no beginning and no end and has an active God.

This godly universe is different because humans are not animals. In this universe, human beings are images of God. God made humans different than animals, which make the same homes every year.  God made humans creative.  With our abilities, humans can make better homes continually. Some of our creative skills are also shown in the New Testament in Matthew, Ch. 24/  There, Jesus tells us that we can even make new social systems on different planets.

God gave us immortal souls with minds. God also gives our souls a new body after every death. So, we continue life forever. To accept evolution and competition is to accept poverty and capitalism, which controls human life by investors.

My books are:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

418. The Beginning and End of the Universe VS. No Beginning and No End of the Universe

The concept, beginning and end and the concept, no beginning and no end, define two different universes for all people in the world. The centuries of discussions of the 'beginning and end' universe can now be found in Google. (click)  But recent discussions of the 'no beginning and no end' universe' are only recently found in Google. (click)

Religions, atheists, and physical scientists say that the universe has a beginning and end. Christianity says that the 'beginning and end' comes from St. John in the New Testament at Revelation 1:8 and 22:13. But,  St. John was only a student of Jesus. Jesus was a great thinker and knew that the universe has no end. At Matthew, Ch. 24, Jesus said that we must go to another planets before the sun dies.  Atheists say that beginning and end is true because God does not exist.  And physical scientists, Judaism, and Islam say that the beginning and end comes from the minds of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

On the other hand, I and many other people are saying that the universe has no beginning and no end and has a God.  This very different universe is coming from many human minds and singers. I say that the minds of Newton, Einstein and many other people are wrong because our knowledge can never be completed. I show many of these uncompleted flaws in my three books.  Also, see Google website. (click)(click),(click)

Unless all nations, all families, and all humans get rid of the 'beginning and end' universe, life on this planet will become very ugly. Thus, religions and sciences are off the path to God. So why does Fox TV show the  'Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey.'

My books are:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages
3. God And His Coexistent Relations to The Universe. (2014), 429 pages